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Call for Papers – New journal MIDAS – Museum Interdisciplinary Studies

MIDAS – Museum Interdisciplinary Studies invites everyone who works in museums or their work is about the museum world to contribute to MIDAS’s first issue. MIDAS is a new interdisciplinary and reflexive journal dedicated to the study of museums, with peer-review, published twice a year and is fully open access. MIDAS has an international scope, and is particularly committed to enhance and promote dialogue between professionals and researchers from Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries.

MIDAS will publish articles that foster the problematization of themes, transposing different disciplines, territories, perspectives and visions, and result in investigations of cross-fertilization with hybrid boundary borders. It presents itself as an unconfined questioning space in which knowledge is understood as being impermanent and open to the other.

MIDAS is edited by Alice Semedo (Departamento de Ciências e Técnicas do Património da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto), Paulo Simões Rodrigues (CHAIA – Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística, Universidade de Évora), Pedro Casaleiro (Departamento de História Arqueologia e Artes da Faculdade de Letras, Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra e CIBIO), Raquel Henriques da Silva (IHA – Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Ana Carvalho (CIDEHUS – Centro Interdisciplinar de de História, Culturas da Universidade de Évora) as Assistant Editor.


  • Articles should not exceed 6 000 words (without bibliography) or about 40 000 characters (with spaces).
  • Reviews (books or exhibitions) should not exceed 1500 words or around 10 000 characters (including spaces)
  • Articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French
  • System author-date of the Chicago Manual of Style

 More about the publication guidelines:

Submission deadline: 31st of March 2012

The e-mail for submission is: (Ana Carvalho)

For more information about the journal see:

OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Revista MIDAS (10 de Fevereiro de 2012). Call for Papers – New journal MIDAS – Museum Interdisciplinary Studies. MIDAS. Recuperado em 19 de Fevereiro de 2025 de

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